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Who doesn't know it? The feeling of doing everything wrong. Actually I can't remember when it started - it's been there so long. It wasn't there when I was a kid that's for sure. But somehow it crept in. And one day I was even afraid to take medication or to not take medication. Propably depending on the moon and the stars ;-) And for years I was scared I had damaged my vertebras because I went and got my Atlas adjusted. For a short time everything was great but as the treatment didn't solve the root cause my problems came back - even worse (the root cause was cummulated stress). Nowadays I'm often scared that I mess up with my daughter. Or with my freelance work. Or this or that or...

The thing is: There is no right or wrong. That's all made up by society. We get told again and again and again what is seemingly right or wrong. It starts very early. For example telling children to please eat right. Hm - the food made it to the stomach - what's wrong about that? Or that they don't play the game right. Maybe they don't play it as it was intended but everyone is having lots of fun. Isn't that the point in playing? What is right in our society is wrong in another. We are allowed to eat pork. Chinese can eat cats and dogs without being looked at. You now - everything we do, in exactly that moment we don't know any better. Seriously - have you found a manual for this game calles "life"? I haven't. That means we're all kind of blind. And we try. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes what worked out yesterday doesn't today. Sometimes we learn that there was an easier way to do it. Sometimes we learn that it was a very bad idea. Yes - that's life. And "bad ideas make the best memories". Hav fun! :-)