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All the time we talk about that something is "normal". It's "normal" that

  • there is so much to do and we are so sressed
  • we eat to fast and unhealthy
  • we don't have time to just be
  • we love rarely
  • wir don't experience much joy
  • ...

Maybe in our times it is "normal". But is it also "natural"? With natural I mean - is this our natural state of being? Or is there another way? To answer this question imagine small kids between age 0 and 2 - above this age the conditioning we call "education" already starts to take its hold.

But small kids are

  • totally relaxed and enjoy every moment (except they hurt, are hungry or tired)
  • they only eat when they are hungry and what they like. And if the get the possibility the eat healthy (there are studies proving that)
  • they are fascinated by small things and can watch them for ever (bugs, butterflies, how the river flows)
  • they are always laughing
  • they are having fun all day long
  • ...

THAT is our natural state of being. And we still have it in us. We just have to release it.